2022-03-24 21:00:00 01:00:00 Tangobar Milonga im Albert Schweitzer Haus mit DJ Sylvia Showtanz mit Alexandra & Pablo tango@tangobar.at Albert Schweitzer Haus Schwarzspanierstr. 13, 1090 Wien 21 - 01 h Milonga Es gilt die 2G Regel! Alexandra Bobrova is an Argentine tango teacher and dancer with 18 years of experience in one of the first Ukraine tango schools, called Amigos del Tango. Organizer of Kyiv milongas beloved by many people. She danced in the legendary tango musical "Law of Tango", collaborated with the Ukrainian tango orchestra Kyiv Tango Project. Together with her students, she starred in the tango scenes of the “Eclipse” series. More information: www.amigosdeltango.kiev.ua Pablo Martinez started teaching social tango in 2000 in the north of Argentina (San Salvador de Jujuy), and since 2007 he has been a DJ at his own milongas, organizer of tango competitions and events with international tango dancers. In early 2013 he moved to Buenos Aires where he continued to study, practice and study tango in all its aspects. In 2014, Pablo reached the final of the World Tango Championship in Buenos Aires. Following this success, he began to travel with former dance with professional dancers from Buenos Aires. Together they traveled throughout Europe, Asia and Latin America teaching and sharing their knowledge of tango and Argentinean culture. More Information: www.pablomartineztango.com 12: ---