2022-08-01 19:30:00 23:00:00 PRACTILONGA in SVABEK Alexandra Bobrova alexandra.bobrova@gmail.com Tanzschule Svabek Liechtensteinstraße 41, 1090 Wien What do we do in summer? That's right - rest! :) So, dear friends, in August we will relax and have fun in the lessons (all levels) + praktilongas in the amazing dancehall with POWER AIR-CONDITIONE SYSTEM in Tanzschulle Svabek (downstairs big hall) 18:30-19:30 LESSON 19:30-23:00 PRACTILONGA 1 lesson = 15 euro 5 lessons = 70 euro 1 lesson + praktilonga = 20 euro 1 praktilonga = 10 euro 5 praktilongas = 40 euro Full package of lessons and practilongas for a month = 90 euro Write me by email or WhatsApp (+4367764112570) to reserve your spot for a class. No registration for practilonga. WELCOME! :) *Open end praktilongas are possibility. € 10: ---