2023-11-09 21:00:00 01:00:00 Tangobar Milonga im Albert Schweitzer Haus mit DJ Pablo Inza tango@tangobar.at Albert Schweitzer Haus Schwarzspanierstr. 13, 1090 Wien 21 - 01 h Milonga €15,- inkl. €2,- Getränkegutschein Pablo Inza + Sofia Saborido After decades of teaching and performing around the globe in the most important tango festivals Pablo and Sofia became an international point of reference in the tango scene. Their professional path made of back and forth trips between Argentina and the rest of the world as well as their expert point of view about the dance are widely appreciated in the tango communities. Refined pedagogues, performers, choreographs, actors, etc Pablo and Sofia are two accomplished artists who partnered in 2013 creating one of the most renowned couples that Argentin tango presently has. 15: ---