M Di M Do F S S

M Di M Do F S S

M Di M Do F S S

Helmut Höllriegl
Los indecisos de siempre. The forever undecided ones. Turns, crosses, sacadas and change of direction | Workshop with Yamila Ivonne & Rodrigo Fonti
Kategorie spezielle Veranstaltung
Datum 28 Mai 2022
Zeit 18:00 - 19:30
Veranstaltungsort Atelier 1.02 Maria Lassnig Straße 33
[Google Map]
Kontakt Helmut Höllriegl [E-Mail an Kontakt]
Preis ab 25 Euro
Link http://www.tangoinsideout.com

We’re very happy to welcome Yamila & Rodrigo in Vienna for 25-28 May 2022.

Wednesday, 25 May
19:00-20:15   Solo Technique for both roles, How to reach our best state and body posture for dancing; Awareness for how to push the floor.
20:30-22:00   Turn me  if you want. Stop me, If you can! Guides to enjoy more your turns, using sacadas and paradas.

Thursday, 26 May
17:00-18:15   Yoga for dancers with Yamila
19:00-20:15   Solo Technique for both roles, A brillar mi amor! Let's shine my love! Embellishments (adornos) for women and men
22:00+ Show at Gala Milonga in Tangobar with live performance of Cachivache.

18:45-20:15   A fuego lento, On small fire. Suspension, pausa and attack in the movement
20:30-22:00   Déjate atrapar… movimientos locos. Get caught … crazy movements. Crosses, barridas, atrapadas.

16:00-17:30  Who said boleos are prohibited? Boleos technique in different rhythmic, how to lead  them and put them into music, respecting anticipation, musical accents, place and space.
18:00-19:30  Los indecisos de siempre.  The forever undecided ones. Turns, crosses, sacadas and change of direction.
21:00-01:00 Milonguita Montevideo

Solo Technique: 22 euro per person
Couple Workshops (single registration possible):
1 class 28 euro (early bird 23 euro) per person
3 classes 75 euro (early bird 65 euro) per person
5 classes 110 euro (early bird 95 euro) per person
7 classes 140 euro (early bird 125 euro) per person
Yoga: 15 euro per person

Early bird prices apply until 20 May.

To register please write an email.