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Alexandra Bobrova
✨AMIGOS del TANGO✨ NEW BEGINNERS COURSE (February-April) Details in the description. Welcome! 🤗
Kategorie Kurs
Datum 14 März 2024
Zeit 19:00 - 20:00
Veranstaltungsort Alte Wirtschaftsuniversitat, Amigos del Tango Augasse 2/6, 1090, Wien
[Google Map]
Kontakt Alexandra Bobrova [E-Mail an Kontakt]
Preis see info in description
Link https://www.amigosdeltango-vienna.com/

Lessons for new beginners begin in February 2024.

Even if you don’t know how to dance at all and don’t have a partner, come try! The world of tango is open to everyone!

This is a wonderful leisure time, an opportunity to make new friends, learn new things about yourself and develop yourself.

We are waiting for you on Tuesdays at 18.00. and Thursdays at 19.00.

Details here: https://amigosdeltango-vienna.com/