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Alexandra Bobrova
✨AMIGOS del TANGO✨ NEW BEGINNERS COURSE (February-April) Details in the description. Welcome! 🤗
Kategorie Kurs
Datum 20 Februar 2024
Zeit 19:00 - 20:00
Veranstaltungsort Alte Wirtschaftsuniversitat, Amigos del Tango Augasse 2/6, 1090, Wien
[Google Map]
Kontakt Alexandra Bobrova [E-Mail an Kontakt]
Preis see info in description
Link https://www.amigosdeltango-vienna.com/

Lessons for new beginners begin in February.

Even if you don’t know how to dance at all and don’t have a partner, come try! The world of tango is open to everyone!

This is a wonderful leisure time, an opportunity to make new friends, learn new things about yourself and develop yourself.

We are waiting for you on Tuesdays  and Thursdays at 19.00.

Details here: https://amigosdeltango-vienna.com/