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Sylvia & Bernd
🎉MILONGA CENTRAL - la Milonga del centro 👉 DJ: Helmut Höllriegl ☝️Workshop Cycle "ORCHESTRA STYLES - ANIBAL TROILO by Helmut Höllriegl 👉Hosted by Sylvia & Bernd
Kategorie Milonga
Datum 9 März 2024
Zeit 21:00 - 02:00
Veranstaltungsort ÖTK Bäckerstraße 16, 1010 Wien
[Google Map]
Kontakt Sylvia Schumacher [E-Mail an Kontakt]
Preis 15 Eur / 10 Eur Young / 5Eur ab 24:00
Link https://www.fb.me/e/1liPhCuUW
📣📣This Saturday our guest teacher Helmut Höllriegl will continue his Workshop Cycle "ORCHESTRA STYLES - ANIBAL TROILO - Contrasts & Intensity" 🎻🎹🎶
☝️This time with special guest Milos Avramovic to give some livedemonstrations 🪗🎶
Price: Workshop: 25€ / 20€ young (incl. Milonga)